Thursday, July 28, 2005

and again and again.....oh yeah and again....

so yesterday i got to the doctor for a follow up and to get the results of a blood test... first the doctor tells me that i will have to get my eyelid cut open so my tearducts can drain... (surgery) ive been having problems where my left eye for some reason doesnt produce tears so it compesates by pushing out blood through my tear duct... then he tells me you have high cholesterol you need to watch what you are eating, cut down on the salt. i was thinking to myself great now what... then thats when the now what came... he said my liver is pretty bad and i have to cut down on the booze, by alot.. basically cut it down by 75% he said....fuck ... then to finish my great visit off ...i had told him i had an ingrown toe nail ...he looked at it and told me that they would have to slice my toe and cut it out... so i have that to look foward to next tues..... then i get home and try to forget about all this shit... after dinner at my parents me and my wife walked the dog. when we got back home i let him loose inside the house and i didnt close the door all the way.. it was windy last night so the door flew open and out ran buster our dog. so i told my wife to get the car keys and drive around, while i chase after him. ...long story short we found him a couple blocks away... so i get up this morning to come to work .... put the key in the ignition and before i turn it ...i see that the lights where on... at least the switch this time the freakin battery is dead... great... after using jumper cables it was fine.... after all this shit going on, i cant help but smile... its like i know im in alot of shit but some how still manage a smile... i dont know if its so i can fool myself to thinking everything is alright, oh well its working so far...


Blogger Steph said...

Sorry to hear things aren't going so well. it's true what they say, when it rains, it pours.

12:51 PM  
Blogger DeCoMpOsEd said...

well im getting drenched...

2:54 PM  

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